Letting Your Goals Lapse

Photo: Aaron Burden/Unsplash

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At the beginning of this year, I challenged myself to post three times per week, Monday through Wednesday, no matter what. So far, I’ve stuck to that goal, even if it means staying up well past a respectable bed time or writing some quick, haphazard post just to say I published something.

But this week, I’m cutting myself some slack, and I hope you do, too, with whatever you’re senselessly beating yourself up for not doing. (Because, let’s be honest: Pretty much everyone does that from time to time. Or on a daily basis.) Instead of freaking out over posts, I’m going to spend the week with my family and friends, catching up with their lives in real time, not caring about what’s going on in the Interwebs.

Admittedly, that’s not so easy for me.

Deep down, I know no one’s life will be disrupted by two less posts to read. The world will keep spinning. The Kardashians will keep making headlines for wearing body-con dresses or getting their hair cut.

The goal shouldn’t become a chore, so I’ve decided that falling short of it — even for just two days — can help me focus on what matters, so I can end the week feeling refreshed, not frazzled. We’ll see how it goes.

Oh, and before I forget:

Happy Thanksgiving!


Photo: Aaron Burden/Unsplash

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